Sarah Reeves “Anxious” Music Video
Everyday, from the moment we awake, we are all bombarded with social media notifications, news flashes, and life events in a way unlike ever before. It’s no surprise, then, that anxiety is at an all-time high. I once heard a…
When I Consider Your Heavens…
I can’t believe I actually took this picture! The moon is always so beautiful and such a beautiful example of God’s boundless creativity!
FREE Download: “Raise A Hallelujah” Song Lyric Art
This is such a powerful song! I made this artwork with the words from the chorus. You can download it and use it as wall art, etc. Please only use this for personal use, if you know someone else who…
Misfit Heroes: Amazing Grace
If you have missed any “Misfit Heroes” posts, you can find them here. Sometimes a person is raised a Christian and they remain a Christian their entire life. Sometimes they turn away from Christ later in life never to…
Crowder feat. Taya “Crushing Snakes” Music Video
I apologize if anyone has had trouble accessing my website in the past few days:( My site was offline since Thursday night because of technical issues and I only got it back online this morning. I just heard this song…
“Here I Am to Worship” Piano Cover Video
Check out this week’s piano cover video! Let me know in the comments what you think!
Misfit Heroes: The Story of A Leader
If you have missed any “Misfit Heroes” posts, you can find them here. Every hero has a backstory, and many times that backstory isn’t what you’d expect. For a great American leader like Abraham Lincoln you might assume that…
Kari Jobe “The Garden” Music Video
This is such a beautiful song! I saw Kari Jobe perform this song in concert on The Garden tour two years ago and it was one of the most moving concerts I’ve ever attended! She and her husband Cody Carnes…
Meredith Andrews “You’re Not Alone” Piano Cover Video
This is one of my all-time favorite piano songs! It’s absolutely beautiful! I hope you like it as well:)
Misfit Heroes: A Different Future
If you have missed any “Misfit Heroes” posts, you can find them here. He had a bright future. As a bright student and a star hockey player, he was headed to Yale to become a preacher, but sometimes our…