Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. A day on which we give thanks for all of our blessings, the big ones, the small ones (are there really any small blessings), the ones that we take for granted every other day of the year.
This year, 2020, Thanksgiving Day looks very different for a lot of people, but there are some things that are still the same. We have all been through a year that has pushed us to our limits, broken our hearts, and reminded us that we are really all the same on the inside. We are all humans, we are all flawed, but we are all beautiful and we all have a special place in this world.
Today is a day to give thanks, to remember, and to pray that we never lose sight of what really matters. This Thanksgiving is going to be hard for so many of us, but I hope we can all still take a moment to give thanks to God that He has brought us through this difficult year to this day. I hope that your day is filled with joy, and that even if there are some tears, that there is also a whole lot of laughter!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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