Is This The Year?

January 22, 1973. With one crash of the gavel, over 6 million voices of the future were forever silenced. In one moment, seven men decided the fate of generations.
It’s been 49 years.
49 years since the most basic of human rights was made a choice.
In 49 years, over 63, 509, 604 babies have been denied a chance at life. For 49 years, people have been standing up for those babies, fighting for those who can’t fight for themselves, being a voice for the voiceless.
And now, almost half a century since the United States Supreme Court passed Roe v. Wade, there is another case before the court that has the potential to overturn that landmark case from 1973.
Could this be the year that the unborn are once again protected by the law? Could this be the year where the unborn are acknowledged as humans again? Could this be the year where life starts to be valued again?
I hope and pray with all that I am that it is! Overturning Roe v. Wade is not the end of the fight by any means, but it is a HUGE step in the right direction.
If you would like more information on how you can stand up for the unborn, you can check out the organizations below.
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