Misfit Heroes
Update: All the Misfit Heroes posts are linked to below the video!
I guess the only way to start this blog post is by saying that for many years I thought that Christians were supposed to be perfect.
I know, I know, nobody’s perfect, but I thought that to be a good Christian you had to at least make it appear as if you have it all together. I thought that in order to represent Christ you shouldn’t have any problems, because if you have problems, then you must not be a very good Christian.
Like many of you, I looked up to people I viewed as better than me, and I compared myself to them. The result of that was that I felt I was not good enough for God to use me. Little did I know that every single person who I looked up to had a story, and those stories weren’t always pretty. The more I got to know about them; however, the more I realized how much all of humanity has in common.
We are all broken, but God has the ability to redeem anyone’s story.
Since then, He has stirred a passion in my heart for the stories of the people who are far from perfect and yet have made incredible differences in the world. The stories of the outcasts, the misfits, the broken, and the unqualified all inspire in me an awe for God’s amazing power of redemption.
Over the next few weeks, I would like to share with you some of the stories that I have found so inspiring. These people are all ordinary people like you and I. The only reason their stories are so extraordinary is because of God. So I would like to invite you to come along with me on this journey of discovering the ordinary side of the heroes we all admire, the broken side of the beauty, and just how much God loves to take a mess and make it a masterpiece!
This song perfectly sums up the theme of this series and I made the video as a sort of ‘trailer’ for it. Please watch it and let me know in the comments what you think!
Read all the Misfit Heroes posts!
A Different Future –
He had a bright future. As a bright student and a star hockey player, he was headed to Yale to become a preacher, but sometimes our best laid plans are not the same as God’s. Read More..
The Story of A Leader –
Every hero has a backstory, and many times that backstory isn’t what you’d expect. For a great American leader you might assume that they had an easy life, a privileged upbringing and a lot of friends, but the opposite of all of those things are true. Read More…
Amazing Grace –
Sometimes a person is raised a Christian and they remain a Christian their entire life. Sometimes they turn away from Christ later in life never to look back. Sometimes; however, the prodigal son returns to the loving arms of God the Father. Read More…
Who Am I? –
He had been saved from annihilation as a baby by the princess and raised in luxury as her adopted son. He had been chased out of the country for murder, after he had witnessed the outrages performed against the people of his birth.He had found refuge in the desert with a nomadic tribe, had married and started a family when it happened. Read More…
A Purpose In the Pain –
The 19th century pastor has been called the “Prince of Preachers” and for good reason. His preaching drew immeasurable crowds in his own day, and his writings and sermons continue to encourage people today. I had wanted to write something polished and professional sounding, but it just didn’t happen. Read More…
Beautiful Irony –
Imagine for a moment that you are 28 years old, married to your high school sweetheart, and a truck driver from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Aside from the fact that your wife has a congenital heart condition, life is good. Until one day your world is shattered when your wife’s routine heart check-up turns into an emergency surgery, and that surgery becomes her last moments. You beg the doctors to do whatever it takes to bring her back, but it’s too late. Read More…
A Prodigal Pilgrim –
He didn’t understand how God could love him, a sinner. He had lived his youth recklessly, ignoring God’s love and commands. He felt unworthy to be considered a child of such a holy Father, much less actually be used by Him, but that is exactly what happened. Read More…
After My Own Heart –
He was the youngest son, sent out to the fields to watch the sheep instead of to the war to defend the country. He was the favorite of the people but in danger from the king because of his popularity. He understood fear and darkness and openly voiced his feelings towards God. He was, in short, a human. Read More…
Josh Wilson Interview –
To start off our second part of the “Misfit Heroes” series, we have something very special! I had the incredible opportunity and privilege to interview someone I have long admired for not only their incredible talent, but especially for their courage and honesty. Read More…
To Walk On Water –
He was bold at all the wrong times and cowardly when it mattered most. He was impulsive and hot tempered and fearful and yet he was called to be a leader? Most of all, he was a human just like all the rest of us. Read More…
Dangerous Freedom –
What person who has labored their whole life for freedom, will, when they achieve it, risk captivity and death to help other people receive freedom? Only one who believes in freedom so strongly that they will risk their own life to save the lives of others. Read More…
The Most Reluctant Convert –
A baby boy was born in Belfast in 1898, the grandson of a priest and the great-grandson of a bishop. He would go on to become one of the great apologists of the 20th century, but the road that his life would take first took him away from the very thing he would later spend years defending. Read More…
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Thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog letting me know of your new series! I too struggle with thinking God could use someone so incapable as me. I look forward to reading your future posts! 🙂
In Beautiful Chaos
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind comment!
God Bless!