Misfit Heroes Continues!
I know I haven’t posted anything in awhile, but one of the reasons has been that I’ve been working on something really special! When I ended “Misfit Heroes” in December of 2019, I said that I was probably going to continue the series at some point. Well, now is the time!
Tomorrow I am launching the continuation of “Misfit Heroes” with something really exciting that you don’t want to miss! I am so passionate about the message behind this series, the message that we don’t have to be perfect people to be able to make a difference in the world and I hope you join me to dive into the stories of more unlikely heroes who have changed the world for the better. An anxious introvert on a stage, an impulsive yet cowardly fisherman, a leader determined to rise above their traumatic past, and an atheist who became one of Christ’s loudest witnesses…through these stories I hope that you are reminded that we all have a purpose no matter what we’ve gone through or what we or anyone else thinks!
Make sure that you’re subscribed, and please share this with family, friends, and anyone you think would be encouraged by these stories.
Stay tuned for tomorrow!!!!
If you missed the first part of the “Misfit Heroes” series, or you just want to reread any of the posts, you can find them here.
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