Things to think about

There are some things in this world that just inspire awe.
A pitch black sky punctuated by diamond-like stars. The ocean stretching endlessly until the edge of the horizon. Mountains that seem to reach to the sky. A baby bird cautiously testing out their wings. A rosebud unfolding in the sunlight. The look of wonder in a small child’s eyes.
These things make us think- about life, about what matters, about what’s really true. These things show us that we’re not just a random accident floating through the galaxy on this huge ball we call earth.
No, we are the creation of an infinitely loving, infinitely caring, infinitely powerful Creator. The amazing thing is that what we see on this earth is just a small glimpse of the awesome love that He has for each one of us. Think about that! It’s pretty hard to comprehend that Someone who created the entire universe also created each one of us. And not only that, He loves each one of us!
This song is SO beautiful and is such an important reminder that God’s love never ends! No matter what we do or don’t do, no matter where we go, no matter what happens, God’s love is the only constant that we can always count on. Remember that!
Canyons wide, oceans deep
Can’t contain all Your love for me
No matter how high or far I reach
There’s no end to Your love for me
Your love for me
Playlist #17: Breakthrough
Their Lives Matter, Too
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